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why breakups happen

Ten reasons why breakups happen most with the young couples in 2022

Ending up in a relationship is difficult at whatever age you are. Yet, it’s most difficult when you are young. If you are in a relationship make sure to note down while we tell you about why breakups happen According to Stanford sociologist Michael Rosenfeld’s research in 2009, 70 percent of a young couple breaks […]

5 minutes quick makeup guide for newbies

5 minutes Quick makeup guide for newbies

Have you ever thought of heaven on earth? Yes, Sephora or Ulta beauty is heaven on earth for girls. You can never come out with empty hands. Visiting their website can crave you about so many products. that you can’t stop yourself from adding them to your wish list. Thousands of makeup products and new […]

Quick Makeup Tips

16 Natural Quick Makeup Tips You Must Know About

Who does not love to doll up? Whether you may be a teenager or an adult. (for this very reason we have compiled Quick Makeup Tips)  “Makeup is a girl’s BFF” Also, do you know that a girl spends 11 minutes a day on her makeup on average? And these 11 minutes are so crucial […]

Abu Dhabi

Exploring Abu Dhabi: 11 Best Places to Visit while in Abu Dhabi

Are you out Exploring Abu Dhabi? It indeed is a wondrous place with the awe and amazement of the modern lifestyle and communes. It is a land of luxury and leisure. One with many potentials and a land of opportunities, Abu Dhabi, is the largest gulf state out of all seven. Hence, it is making […]

festivals in Europe

List of 11 Festivals in Europe

In many ways, Europe is the hub of culture & festive celebrations in the Western World. For wanderers and world explorers, Europe is a dream place to go. Its diverse culture, language, and rich history is the reason why it is on the bucket list of every traveler. Cities like Paris, Venice, and Prague have […]

economy of Pakistan

Economy of Pakistan & Export Trade: COVID's Negative Influence

COVID-19 has had its toll on everything there is, in a developed/developing society. More specifically, in this case, the economy of Pakistan. More importantly, it has had a constant decremented effect on the economy of a country. All trade ceased! All work banned. Lockdowns implemented. What will happen hereafter? Crowded Ports & Exporter Crisis for […]

DIY Kitchen Ideas

Amazing DIY Kitchen Ideas & Items

We make unforgettable memories when we gather around the table. DIY Kitchen Items are a jolly good addition to the look of the kitchen. To design something means being good, not just looking good. Everything you can imagine becomes real when you know how to create it. If you want to design your kitchen’s interior […]

COVID-19 and Open Source eLearning Platforms & Media

COVID has promoted education in the form of open-source eLearning platforms. COVID-19 has affected all sectors and fields of life. For students, their education is the one that has taken the toll the worst. Educational Institutes have found a solution to this problem. And are looking to provide it they are using technological open-source platforms. […]

lethwei or muay thai?

Lethwei vs. Muay Thai. Amazing or Deadly?

The Ultimate Comparison Martial Arts techniques vary from region to region. Originating from Chinese History, martial arts are categorized on basis of defensive, offensive, submissive, and dominance strategies. Here, two specific ones are under view. One being the offensive technique whilst the other being the defensive technique. Two of the well-known, profound types of martial […]

totally enormous extinct dinosaur

How did Dinosaurs become Extinct? The Truth REVEALED!

Q: In what year did the dino pass on? A: The last dinosaurs are known from around 65 million years back, yet we don’t have the foggiest idea about the specific date. Q: Did the entirety of them pass on simultaneously? If not, how long did it require for them to cease existence? A: All […]