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Glitches in reality: That will shock you!

Glitches, in reality, Are we living like Neo in a computer simulation? A Matrix-like reality created by more advanced, possible post-human beings. Almost, at least according to the following evidence. Such as plausible, semi-plausible, and sometimes, not so plausible. Also discussed in the wonderful We Living in a Simulation? And Glitch in the Matrix sub-Redditt’s.

Reality Glitch, also known as Matrix Glitch. Is essential strange events that violate the basic rules of normal reality. Such as the spontaneous disappearance of objects and people, or physical impossibilities. Such as a person walking through solid matter.

The Mandela effect:

Some people claim to remember television coverage of Nelson Mandela’s death. In the 1980s when he died in 2013. So the “Mandela effect” especially proves. That whoever is in charge of our simulation is changing the past. It’s evidence of parallel universes; some individuals have crossed over from one universe.

Moreover, Mandela died in the 1980s to ours and lived to be 95. Like, This phenomenon is include remembering. The name of the Berenstain Bears series of children’s books spelled. The Berenstain and another reminiscent of a non-existent ’90s movie called Shazaam. which is starring the comic genie Sinbad.

Missing aliens:

We’ve spent billions sending probes through space. And also we should to find evidence of aliens. Now not so fast The aliens would be far more technological advanced. Than we are thinking about goes. So the fact that we haven’t found them suggests we’re living in a simulation they’ve figured out how to escape. Or the computer we’re in only has enough RAM to simulate one planetary civilization at a time.

Electrons that can’t make up their mind:

In the famous double-slit physics experiment, electrons. The electrons is a photosensitive screen through slits in a copper plate. Usually creating an interference pattern that suggests wave behavior. But when the same experiment are performed under observation. The electrons behave as particles, not waves, and there is no interference pattern. Some have taken this to mean that our simulation conserves. Its resources and renders certain things only when it knows we’re looking at them.

DNA that contains computer virus:

In 2017, a multidisciplinary group of researchers. At the University of Washington proved that. They could insert malicious computer code into physical strands of DNA. Their is goal was to show that computers working in gene sequencing are vulnerable to attack. But they may also have inadvertent revealed that. What we perceive as biological reality was computer code.

Climate change? How convenient:

Our civilizations are coincidental? The onset of cusp of ecological chaos, and also suggests. That be an ancestral simulation created in the hopes of showing our creators. While how to solve the energy crisis. This theory overlaps slight with the aliens-as-simulation-stopping theory above. If we found an innovative solution to the climate crisis. The aliens could come back and dazzle the results.

A video game that looks like real life:

Elon Musk believes in Nick Bostrom’s simulation hypothesis, which posits. If humanity can survive long enough to develop technology. It can be capable of running convincing simulations of reality. It will create many such simulations. So there will be many simulated realities and only one ground reality. So, it’s more likely that we’re living in a simulation right now. Another proof that we’re living in the Matrix, according to Musk, is how great video games are today.

Glitches in reality

furthermore, In 2016, he explained that 40 years ago we had Pong. Two rectangles and a dot. Now, 40 years later, we have photorealistic 3D with millions playing. If you assume some rate of improvement. The games will become indistinguishable from reality. Even if that rate of progress drops by 1000 from what it is now. So we’re on a trajectory to have games that are indistinguishable from reality. It would appear that the probability that we are in the ground reality is 1 in billions.”

Weird news:

The weird news is that news which has to suggest recent improbabilities. Including the election of Donald Trump, and Brexit. In the 2017 Oscars cover swap, and that year’s 25-point Super Bowl comeback. It means we’re in a broken simulation, or who’s pushing the buttons is screwing up. With us.

Quarks with computer code:

The quarks with computer codes theoretical physicist James Gates is claims to identified. What appears to be actual computer code embedded. In the string theory equations describing our universe’s fundamental particles. He also says to found bug-fixing code they make [web] browsers work. So why were there quarks, electrons, and supersymmetry in my study equation?

Why does our universe have “rules” in the first place?

MIT cosmologist has pointed to the strict physical laws of our universe. As possible evidence that we live in a video game. If I were a character in a computer game. I would also find that the rules seemed rigid and mathematical. In this theory, the speed of light the fastest speed any particle can travel. It is represents the speed limit for information transfer in our simulation’s network.

Glitches in reality

It’s not possible to prove we’re not living in a simulation:

It may be easier to prove that we are living in a simulation than to prove that we are not. Nuclear physicist Zohreh Davoudi is believes that cosmic rays. The most energetic particles known about man would appear as pixelated bits. If we were in a simulation and infinite rays if we were in ground reality.

Meanwhile, NYU philosopher David Chalmers doubts it’s possible to prove. we’re not living in the Matrix You’re not going to get proof that we’re not in a simulation. Because any proof we get could be a simulation.”

The “goldilocks zone”:

The goldilocks zone is exists on earth inside what astrobiologists call. The Goldilocks Zone it is close enough to the star that greenhouse gases can trap heat. and keep water liquid but far enough away that the planet doesn’t turn Venus into a greenhouse. That we live in such an orbital sweet spot is circumstantial evidence for the simulation. If our sim designers wanted us to succeed, it makes sense for them to put us in such a comfortable environment.

It makes more sense than “ghosts”:

Paranormal events are not hauntings or alien encounters but glitches in the simulation. This theory is most explored on Reddit forums such as . We living in a Simulation and Glitch in the Matrix, where users explore big ideas about in philosophy. It is introduce in the details of the strange or occult. A storefront exists in the city one day. It doesn’t; explanations include a slippage between parallel timelines or a pop-up window. A passenger in a car sees the word “render” in the sky as if entering a new part of a video game. furthermore, Elevators are a frequent setting for stories of malfunctions Jumping. Between floors seems to promote slipping within dimensions.

We already know what the bricks of our Matrix are:

According to simulation believers. We may have already found the basic building block of the pixel-sized universe. The Planck length, the point at which our concepts of gravity and space-time no longer apply. If our world are simulate, the Planck length will correspond to one bit of information or pixel.

We’re already good at making simulations, and we’re getting even better:

In 2014, the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics linked 8,000 computers. Which have to create a 350 million light-year simulation of our universe. It is aging it over 13 billion years. The fact that The Sims video game franchise sold over 125 million copies in its. first decade shows that we interested in playing with simulations. If a version of humanity is finds itself. Towards the ability to create more realistic simulations. It wouldn’t be surprising if they chose to use it.

Yanny vs. Laurel:

Remember 2015 when the world turned because we were all looking at the same photo, and some of us saw . a blue dress while others saw a gold dress? Or the Yanny/Laurel fiasco of 2018? There was also the less explosive debate over the blue-gold-white flip-flops of 2016.

Say what you will about pitch, volume, and color saturation. These controversies made one thing clear We each live in our world. No What we perceive as reality is partly a simulation to created by our brain other past experiences. It can help us process the fragments of data we receive. In other words: There is no spoon.


Hoax. · Synchronicity. Reality Glitch, also known as Matrix Glitch. It is strange events that violate the basic rules of normal reality. such as the spontaneous disappearance of objects and people, or physical impossibilities. Such as a person walking through solid matter.

Computer glitches are often temporary disruptions. They can have various causes, although the most common causes are:

  • Errors in the operating system.
  • Glitches in a piece of software.
  • Problems caused by computer bugs or viruses.

Computer glitches are sometimes very easy to fix.