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Black Holes 5 Myths Debunked

Black Holes 5 Myths

An unsolved wonder, Black Hole is the most researched entity in this universe. Scientists are keenly interested in this subject, as it goes beyond the laws of time and space.
Black Holes 5 Myths that we have debunked for you 

Black Holes 5 Myths
Black Holes 5 Myths

Black Holes are dense; that is, so much mass is present in a tiny space that even light is not safe from it. Nothing can beat its intense gravitational pull, once they cross a boundary, called the event horizon.
However, data from different sources has led the masses to believe in so many myths about them. Without answering these problems, the studies are no more than useless efforts.

How do Black Holes come into existence?

While observing Black Holes, one wonders, “How did they come to being?” Black Holes are created when massive stars die and leave the burning residue after them. Relatively small Black Holes come into life when neutron stars merge and collapse.
Some supermassive Black Holes are also observed to be made because of merging between two Black Holes. It is a ripple effect, as some scientists say, that causes a large number of Black Holes to appear in-universe. These little events act like a trigger to it.
Black Holes are found at the center of almost every galaxy. These range from deadly Steller Black Holes, which are 100 times the mass of the sun, to dominating Supermassive Black Holes, million or billion times of mass of the sun.
Researches have failed to determine how gigantic a Black Hole may be. However, one thing they are sure about is that they are growing exponentially. Due to the excess amount of dust and gases in the universe, Black Holes never get out of food for their consumption.
Although Steller and Supermassive are the types of Black Holes usually observed in the universe. Yet, new studies found another kind, the intermediate that is mid-sized Black Holes.
Intermediate Black Holes or IMBHs form because of chain reactions, in which clusters of stars collide and fall down. If found in the same region, they can merge to form a Supermassive one. That is why scientists have to look hard for them.

What is inside a Black Hole?

While studying the anatomy of Black Hole, scientists came upon agreeing that it has three layers.

  1. Outer Event Horizon or Accretion Disk
  2. Inner Event Horizon
  3. Singularity

Outer Event Horizon or Accretion Disk comprises of material Black Holes have torn apart. It is just like water swirling down the drain. As the materiel gets closer and closer, its speed fastens up. The friction here causes existing gases to lighten up and we see a glowing boundary around the Black Hole.
Inner Event Horizon, or called the point of no return is the boundary beyond which is nothing. From here, not even light can escape the Black Hole. All across this region, gravity is constant
Then comes the very center of Black Hole, what science refers to as the point of “Singularity”. According to the observations, gravity becomes infinity and general relativity becomes zero in this region. All mass of Black Hole is concentrated at this single point.

Common Black Holes 5 Myths

Black Hole eats up everything

Whenever we think of Black Holes, a giant vacuum sucking all that comes in its way appears in our mind. In reality, it is nothing like this at all. Rather its gravity works the same way, some pieces get sucked up while others are thrown away in the universe.
Black Holes do have a great gravitational pull and anatomy as explained above. However, the masses inside Black Hole can only attract some portion and not all. The remaining pieces either ditch the event horizon or rotate around it in the magnetic field produced by charged particles.

Black Hole is the end of the Universe

Again, the initial researches have popped out many questions in people’s mind. As new discoveries bring lots of fear of the unknown, it happened with Black Holes too.
Even if a Supermassive Black Hole is considered, it is not big enough to swallow up the entire universe. If that has to be true, its gravitational reach should be greater than the universe. As it is impossible, a Black Hole can never consume our whole universe.

Inside of Black Hole leads to another Universe

It is an interesting hypothesis that the inside of Black Hole is maybe a door to a new universe. A parallel universe maybe or we can get to our future, maybe past? There are thousands of guesses for it.
The truth is no one has ever passed from the Black Hole, not even X-rays. Therefore, no research shows anything beyond the boundary except total darkness. To detect any kind of activity, one has to be able to pass it and observe from his own eye.

Time stops inside a Black Hole

According to Einstein’s theory, as we approach a massive object, due to gravity time slows down. Even on the earth, this law is applicable. However, the gravitational pull is so weak that the results are not visible.
Applying the same theory, the object seeming frozen at the edge of Black Hole are not like that at all. Instead, time slows down as we go near the center of the Black Hole. As its gravity is enormous, it seems like time is completely stopped around it.

Black Hole is so powerful that it can eat light as well

The question asked is that the only thing that can destroy the light is light itself, so is Black Hole a force beyond us? In addition, how something can make light fall?
The answer is, No. Even our earth pulls every form of energy towards itself that makes them fall. Hence, light is pulled towards the Black Hole based on the same principles it is pulled towards our Earth. The only difference is that the former is much visible than the latter.

Final Thoughts

Black Holes are dangerous, but not as much as the myths spread about them. Science is constantly improving its research towards the topic. Hence, they cannot eat up everything, let alone the entire universe. Neither are they something beyond our knowledge. It just needs some time and observations to understand the phenomena completely.
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